Pension, Hospitalization and Benefit Plan - (fka VHUP) FAQs

Vacation, holiday, furlough and unemployment benefits are payable provided you have a sufficient account balance. No other benefits can be paid from this plan.

Payroll, Federal, State and City taxes are withheld from the weekly employer contributions received by the Joint Industry Board. As a result, no taxes are withheld when you receive your benefits.

Yes. You will receive a W-2 Form for every year a contribution is made to your account. You will also receive a 1099INT Form for interest earned during the year on your account balance.

Yes. Upon retirement or withdrawal from the industry you may withdraw your remaining balance in a lump sum. This amount will not be subject to taxation because you already paid the taxes when the money was contributed to your account.

Your remaining account balance will be distributed to your named beneficiary. Distributions are not subject to taxation.

Yes. When either of these plans does not have a sufficient balance when it is the primary plan, the other plan will automatically act as the secondary plan and pay any remaining balance, if funds are available. 

Effective September 1, 2007, active "A" rated Journeypersons are covered for this benefit, subject to certain eligibility requirements. White Plains Journeypersons are eligible effective May 1, 2009.

Yes. Although your classification may entitle you to participate in this benefit, you must also meet the following eligibility requirements:

Initial eligibility for the Term Life benefit under this plan is established in the following manner:

  • Your classification must be one that is defined in your Collective Bargaining Agreement as one that is eligible for the Term Life benefit under this plan.
  • You must be actively at work or, if unemployed, available for employment through the Employment Department at the Joint Industry Board.

Once eligibility is established, you will remain eligible for this benefit as long as:

  • You remain actively employed in covered employment and are eligible for health benefits*;
  • You remain available for employment, if unemployed, and are eligible for health benefits*;
  • You are on a workers' compensation or disability leave, but remain eligible for health benefits*.

Eligibility is terminated for any and all of the following reasons:

  • You retire;
  • You terminate employment and are no longer available for employment; or
  • Your workers' compensation or disability leave extends past the time limit when you loose health coverage on a non-contributory basis.

If your benefits are terminated for any reason, they will be immediately reinstated upon return to active covered employment and the reinstatement of health benefits within the applicable classification.

*Health benefits are defined as eligible participation in the health benefit plan or plans as described in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The Plan will pay a Life Insurance Benefit of $50,000 to a participant's named beneficiary for all eligible participants under age 65. On the date you reach 65, the Participant's Life Insurance amount is reduced to $32,500. Thereafter, the amount is reduced to $20,000 at age 70 and to $12,500 at age 75. This age reduction also applies to the Accidental Death and Personal Loss benefit described below.

The Plan will pay an Accidental Death Benefit of $50,000 (principal sum) to a participant's named beneficiary in the event a participant dies, while in an eligible classification, and the death was a direct result of a bodily injury suffered in an accident with such death occurring within 365 days after the accident.

The Plan will pay a percentage of the principal sum ($50,000) for a Personal Loss suffered as a direct result of an accident if the loss occurs within 365 days of that accident. 

Accelerated death benefits are benefits offered to terminally ill participants who are in need of money. Any payments made under this benefit will be deducted from the Life Insurance benefit otherwise payable. 

No. This benefit only applies to active, eligible participants.

No. You must complete a separate Mutual of Omaha Beneficiary Form. This may be obtained by contacting the Members' Records Department at (718) 591-2000, Extension 2491.

If you die without a valid Beneficiary Form for this benefit, your beneficiary will be named in the following order:

  • Your spouse, if any.
  • If there is no spouse, in equal shares to your children.
  • If there is no spouse or child, to your parents, equally or to the survivor.
  • If there is no spouse, child or parent, in equal shares to your brothers and sisters.
  • If none of the above survives, to your executors or administrators.